Tag Archives: personal character

What Does Character Have to Do with the Office of President?

In watching the news over the past few months, a thought keeps bouncing around in my head. (Maybe it’s too empty, so that’s why things bounce around? LOL) That thought is this:

Whatever happened to “the buck stops here?” Whatever happened to “give ‘em hell, Harry?” Whatever happened to “birds of a feather…?” Whatever happened to saying what you mean and meaning what you say and not apologizing for it?

Ok, so that’s more than one thought. But bear with me and you’ll see why it’s really one thought.

When President Truman said, “the buck stops here,” and even had a plaque on his desk saying as much, he was letting the world know that he took responsibility for his actions – or inaction. This was indicative of a time when we were all expected to take personal responsibility – for our lives, our decisions, our actions, and, in the end, whatever circumstances we found ourselves in. (Of course there were people who were robbed or cheated, and when the perpetrator was found, he paid the consequences. The victim might never recover his losses, but justice will have been served. And he didn’t continue to President Harry S. Trumanlive his life with a victim mentality, expecting pity and a handout at every turn.)

When the Truman supporter yelled out “give ‘em hell, Harry!” he indicated that we expect our politicians to be true to themselves and fight on our behalf. But hardly anyone remembers Harry’s response: “I don’t give them hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s hell.” He said what he meant, meant what he said, and didn’t apologize for it.

Back then, we would never play follow the leader with someone we didn’t know (quite a bit about) and who wouldn’t state clearly and directly what they stood for, what EXACTLY they wanted to accomplish, and HOW they were going to do it. We would never follow someone who didn’t stand up for what they believed and say it directly.

Leaders like Harry Truman are almost non-existent. I’m not saying he was the best President we ever had, but I am saying that the would-be leaders of today lack his qualities.

What qualities are those, Danni?

Well, hang on and I’ll get to that. First I want to address one of those other thoughts before I explain why they’re all related.

When I was a child, Mama tried to instruct me to be particular about the friends I chose. She didn’t like the friends I was choosing and wanted me to choose as she would. She’d always tell me, “Birds of a feather flock together.” I remember the first time she said it, she had to explain, “It means that you’re known by the friends you choose. People will believe that your are just like the kind of people you choose to spend your time with.” So in other words, whoever I played with (coming from a 6- or 7-year-old) indicated to everyone else that these are the people I like and prefer to be with. Ok! No problem, because it’s true. She wanted me to play with the “stuck up” girls because they would have conveyed a certain status onto me. I didn’t care about status (still don’t). They didn’t treat me how I wanted to be treated, so I had nothing to do with them. I wouldn’t even acknowledge their presence.

So what qualities do I want in a leader?

For me that would be an independent thinker. Someone who understands cause and effect, and will always address the cause, not the symptom. Someone who clearly and directly says what he believes and isn’t afraid to stand up for it. Someone who takes personal responsibility, bases his actions on it, and boldly acts. Someone who isn’t afraid to state the truth and not sugar coat it or spin it. Someone who knows that birds of a feather flock together, and isn’t ashamed of the world knowing with whom he chooses to associate, nor makes excuses for those associations. Someone who knows that his sense of judgment is evidenced by all of these.

Someone who has good Character, with plenty of evidence to back it up.

Today there are people running for public office who sugar coat the truth, misrepresent the truth, spin the point, and evade the facts. The problem is that way too many people fall for it. And they don’t know any better because they’ve been brainwashed in a 90210, it’s-all-about-me, holding-my-hand-out-for-my-silver-platter, instant-fame-and-wealth-via-reality-TV culture. They’ve been told that there’s an easy life ahead of them with unlimited riches, but not told that that is available ONLY if you work for it. Only if you’re willing to sacrifice – maybe for a long time and not just short-term – so that you EARN the easy life.

Our society is so engrossed in celebrity status and will follow the herd just because a famous person said so.  I’ve got news for the herd: celebrities are just as dumb as the rest of us, just because they’re famous doesn’t make them smart! Nor right.

Ok, I’m not gonna go off on that tangent.

My point is that Leadership and Character go hand-in-hand. You can’t have one without the other. A leader who possesses no Character can’t lead because he doesn’t stand for, nor is willing to fight for, anything. A person who possesses no Leadership skills hasn’t yet developed any character.

I understand all about wanting to be a part of history and helping to bring it about. I’m just not willing to do so in such a manner that it will make US history. I’m not willing to sacrifice my country, the constitution, and what we stand for just to see history in action.

Here’s a news flash: we are LIVING in a period of time that WILL make history. One way or the other.

The question is, what do you want your future to look like? Do you understand cause and effect? Are you willing to take responsibility for the actions you take today to effect that future? Are you willing to pay the consequences for those actions? (Ok, that was more than one question.)

It really is overwhelming when you realize the responsibility that sits on the shoulders of every individual in this country, at this turning point in our lives.

With this much at stake, I hope and pray that we don’t take it lightly.