Category Archives: Politics

Category for all posts of political nature. Be forewarned, I am a patriot who believes in the Second Amendment and that your rights end where my nose (or property line) begins.

Obama’s Refusal to Negotiate with Congress

I don’t know about you, but I get so tired of all the finger-pointing in Washington DC. Right now, they’re blaming everyone but themselves on the government shut down. It’s ridiculous how our federal government is going out of it’s way to make it more painful than necessary in order to get a large public outcry. Whether that’s by orders of the President or other heads of Departments should be investigated and punished in order of its priority.

This morning I woke up to the mantra on the news being that the President refuses to sit down & negotiate with Congress. My knee-jerk reaction was that, instead of negotiating a budget, they should start Impeachment proceedings.

Then before noon today, Boehner and a few other Republicans held a press conference for the sole purpose of very publicly stating that accusation. Mere minutes after this press conference, there was a news “alert” that President Obama called Speaker Boehner, only to reiterate that he will not negotiate linking the government shut down to the  debt ceiling increase.

Makes for a very boring piece of political theater, but positioned with the pictures from last week with a bunch of Republicans sitting around the negotiation table waiting on the no-show Democrats, this makes it that much more difficult for anyone to continue pointing the finger at the Republicans.

But after walking away for a little stretch break, I realized that it’s not the President’s job to negotiate with Congress.

The US Constitution states very clearly that it is Congress’s job to propose a budget. That budget gets sent to the other House of Congress for consideration, during which they can debate, edit, and either vote against, or vote for with changes, that are then sent back to the originating House for either ratification, farther changes, or elimination.

A Bill's path to Law

A Bill’s path to Law

IF the budget gets approved by both Houses of Congress, it then goes to the President to either Sign into Law, or Veto. His action at this point is the only action with which he can be held responsible. It’s not until after a budget is made Law that the President has any responsibility, and that is how he, as head of the Executive Branch, determines how his share of the budget will be distributed within that Branch.

IF the President Vetos  the budget Bill, Congress can Override it by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. With the massive number of Democrats in the Senate, that would be a major feat indeed. How many of his lap-dogs would be willing to vote against him?

Therefore… it’s Congress’ job to hammer out the budget and the President’s job to either Sign or Veto. The President plays no role in this, therefore his presence is NOT required. I understand, though, wanting him there for the negotiations. It would potentially make shorter work knowing up front what the President would approve or veto.

The Democrats, led by Harry Reid, are very publicly stating, “Give us a clean Continuing Resolution and a clean Debt Limit Increase, THEN we’ll negotiate.”

REALLY?!?!?!?!? Isn’t this exactly what the Democrats have promised for years? “Give us what we want and we’ll negotiate later?” The problem is, “later” never comes. That’s a deal the Republicans are wise to reject, knowing full well that that rug would be pulled out from under them after the CR & debt increase go into effect.

Our Nation keeps doing the same extremely stupid things that every household knows is detrimental for our future! We (us as individuals and the US as a nation) HAS to live within our means. We cannot continue to live on a deficit, and we have to be wise in our use of personal and public funds. That’s the platform of the Tea Party, and they’re being vilified for having the guts to stand on principle for what’s right and best for this country.

What’s really funny is that it was leaked on the news last night that there were a few members of Congress who were negotiating behind closed doors.

I sure wish someone could explain the need for all this political theater. Just do your job and history will bestow all the accolades due you!

Don’t Be a Slave!

My husband and I were watching a documentary called “Religion in America.” At one point I wasn’t paying attention and he said, “They don’t realize they’re contradicting each other.”

And I’m like, “Huh?”

He said, “The Bible neither condones nor condemns slavery. It merely acknowledges its existence and sets up rules for both master and slave. Really, Israel exists BECAUSE of slavery. It took them living in slavery to increase their numbers to that point.”

And I said, “And then God had to have them wander in the wilderness so a generation could die off in order to rid them of their slave mentality.”

All of a sudden I had an epiphany: the United States has such a large population of self-induced slaves… That slavery is allows the numbers to increase – even rewards it… And God might require a generation of us to die off to break those chains, too!

welfare is slavery

welfare is slavery

What do I mean by that?

When I was a child, people were embarrassed to have to accept any kind of welfare – even from friends and family. These days, people are openly, seemingly proud, of the fact that they’re living off the government!

49.1% of the US population lives in a household where at least one member received some type of government benefit. And that statistic comes from the first quarter of 2011! We know it’s been getting steadily worse since then!

That’s almost half of our population!!!

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about people we know who have openly sought some form of assistance – going so far as to lie in order to get it. Yet there are others we know who need it and can’t get it.

Another statistic I saw the other day showed that people on welfare are, in essence, earning more per hour than the average full-time employee earns!

Ok, off that soap box and back to my original point.

The fact that half of our population lives in a household that earns welfare means that half our our population are slaves!

Yes, slaves of the government.

And they don’t even realize it!

Any time someone is giving you money with which you pay your bills or buy your food, you’re their slave. You’re trading something in exchange for that money. If you have a job, you’re exchanging your time. If you have a business, you’re exchanging goods or services that your customers want or need.

If you’re getting money from the government, you’re exchanging your freedom for welfare.

I operate a home business and often talk to people who say they want to learn to do what I do, but then they’ll say, “Oh, but if I earn more than X amount per month, then they cut my ‘benefits.’”

Really?!?!?!? I guess that means they’d rather be stuck earning a limited amount of welfare than having the freedom to have an unlimited income so they can live a better quality life with more freedom of choice.

Therefore, welfare is slavery!

How did we get this way?

We’ve had generation after generation receiving government benefits, teaching their children that they don’t have to do anything, or aspire to be anything. They can just sit home in front of the TV and the government will take care of them. That’s generational welfare, generational poverty, generational slavery!

They’re not teaching them that by living like this, you have limited choices – no freedom of choice. They’re not teaching them that you can be, do and have anything you desire if you’re willing to make a few sacrifices and do a little work to make it happen.

A life stuck in poverty is a choice. If you’ve got the gumption to make some sacrifices, step out of the rut you’re living in, and take action to stop being a slave, click here to start learning how.