I’m a former walking skeleton.
All my life I was skinny and couldn’t do anything about it. Believe me I tried!
My first year in college, I went on a eating binge. For a week, I ate constantly – mostly junk food from the vending machine in the student lounge. I got tired of thinking about food all the time that I gave up at the end of that week. Results? Zero weight gain.
Later, in a college Health Education course, we had a big project to do – completely free choice, as long as it was addressed a health topic. I chose to follow the food pyramid for a week. You remember the food pyramid from the mid 80s. Most people didn’t even know how to read the thing, much less use it. That meant I had to figure that out, figure out how to measure the food I was eating to match “servings” as determined by the pyramid, and make sure I was getting all my daily servings in, keeping a log the whole time. Every night I would go to bed with servings uneaten… And was so tired of thinking about food and eating food. (Did I mention that I use to hate food? Eating was a chore to me.) My conclusion in my project report was that I didn’t need that much food!
A healthy adult.
In my late 20s I finally “filled out” enough to stop looking like a pre-teen. Wish I could find a pic of me at 25 in a bikini on a boat so you could see what I mean. I hated being that thin.
In my 30s I started working desk jobs and finally got plump enough to have real boobs! lol To keep weight gain from becoming a problem, I was able to simply walk to keep it down.
The beginning of obesity.
Then I got married to a really good cook at the age of 39. By this time, I had stopped hating food – especially eating it – and could relish a really good meal. A year later we had a baby. (Yep, at 40 years old. We tried for more, but it wasn’t God’s plan. Or maybe it’s our fault for waiting to get married so long! hahaha) Not only did I not lose the “baby” fat, but started putting on more. A LOT more! My weight has been steady at 170 since the pregnancy, but there’s much more fat, flab, and rolls. (You can see recent pics on my facebook page.) God really DOES have a sense of humor, right?
In August of 2011, my best friend & I started working out together (3-5 days per week). As soon as the kids are at school, we’d meet at her house to walk or do Jillian Michaels or Biggest Loser DVDs. In May of 2012, out of frustration that the fat won’t go away, she and I started looking at ways to “cheat.” She tried several fad diets, but I just never believed in them.
Now that I’m 49, I’d gladly sacrifice the boobs to be skinny again. Being fat has been an interesting experience, but it’s got to go. It’s making me old before my time! Not to mention that it interferes in our love life. :/
The desperation of the obese.
So, out of desperation, my best friend, my husband and I are going on a diet. Yes, I’m dieting. We’ve found a “cheat” system, and are so excited to have found MyFitnessPal.com to help us. Because without it, I wouldn’t realize that even with my “cheat” system, I was still going to be eating too many calories!
Looks like I’ll be skinny again in a year!